Friday, October 12, 2007


The long time standard on Ekamai this place has a great house band that belts unfortunately very repetitive tunes intersperced with good DJ tunes. Santika draws a crowd almost every night and hosts a variety of events keeping this place exciting and energetic. More and more farang are joining the action creating a solid mix of customers mostly drinking bottles. The crowds and smoke may deter some but probably the most action you'll see outside of RCA. Santika has recently introduced a cover charge for weekends which can be avoided by buying a bottle which is what 95% of the patrons do anyway. Probably one of the best places to make friends.

  • Tunage: great but repetitive live Thai bands mixed with DJ spinning top 40s R&B
  • Dance Floor: not really but plenty of bodies moving
  • Cocktails: standard selection including beers and mixed bottles
  • Drinks: whiskey is the mainstay but vodka, gin, rum and tequila are all available
  • Price: medium
  • Location: Ekamai between Soi 9 and 11
  • Seating: sparse seating that is mostly removed as the evening progresses meaning more standing bodies and hence more action (100s)
  • Ambiance: high energy almost every night makes for a great precursor to a hangover
  • Pickup: even Gary Coleman could get laid in this place
  • Overall: still the best venue in the area drawing a well rounded party crowd

Mike Sightings: Santika is definitely my staple and I've polished off more bottles than I care to count. I love the energy even if the selection of 6 farang tunes played by the house band haven't changed in 2 years. Always a good time with lots of numbers changing hands.

5 heads out of 5 using Mike's rating system

Santika wins the Triple Bypass award.


Anonymous said...

AGREED!!! This place rocks the house. Definitely a pick up joint.

Anonymous said...

Was @ Santika on my last evening with Jandevil Saturday. A few observations: Beer selection is actually quite liimited. They were out of Heineken. Had an Asahi. Jan doesn't like me to drink anyway... but why is it there is no place in Bangkok that serves Samuel Smith Pale Ale, eh??? If you want seating at Santika, and more space, go upstairs and get a spot along the inner rail for a perfect view of the band (the air con works well enough it doesn't get hot up there, either). Service is good, I think.

Anonymous said...

santika is my place almost every Friday night also - i agree that it is da best spot !!

Anonymous said...

santika is getting old , full of farangs who don't know how to behave and the music sucks

jeremy said...

Terrible accident tonight at Santika.

I haven't been there since the first year it opened so not sure if they layout is the same, but it used to only have a single entrance on the left side through which everyone went in or out.

If there was a fire it'd be very difficult for the people on the right-hand side near the stage or on the balcony to get out.

Anonymous said...

Faz parte da 'vida' empresarial/governamental...

Falta de segurança de verdade ....


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