Friday, August 22, 2008

Principles of Love...or Lust

We've all been through it a million times and spent countless hours after an evening of shattered expectations at the bar trying to determine what went wrong. After much thought I figured maybe I should try to put down some rules that have served me well in the past. On second thought let's call them principles or guidelines. Rules imply a thorough set of actions that if followed will always result in the same outcome. Unless you're Pacman, dating isn't like that, and to say I've put as much thought into calling them rules makes me more pathetic than Keanu Reeves acting ability.

I will tell you now that I have no expert knowledge (Note: this is in reference to dating and not the rest of the world in which case I do consider myself to be extraordinarily gifted :P). Most of what I do is simply my nature and it works pretty well. Some might think I've read countless books on the topic and adopted routines into my game like the highschool coach of a girl's basketball team. In fairness I have read a few but only to gauge how my natural abilities stack up with those using a contrived set.

It would be naive for any of us to assume we had game from day one. Even the best natural sprinter has to train if they want to win an olympic medal. The same holds true with dating; just as you can't pick up an issue of GQ and become a men's fashion guru, you can't expect to find the ultimate guide to picking up. Unfortunately a lot of skill comes from trial and error and continuously fine-tuning your approach. Take criticism constructively. I get my share of rejections but rather than assume the worst I leave thinking she must be married, near-sighted or crazy. Don't get defensive and definitely don't pull turtle and hide in the corner the rest of the night. Instead use all this information to enhance the skills you do have.

In Thailand I get asked all the time if I am a playboy. I don't consider myself to be one. All my life I've been in long relationships and have been loyal and honest. Recently I am single and am enjoying life without the pressures of having a full-time mate. That's not to say I'm not looking to get to know people. I've never set out to have a one night stand and I don't intend to start. Every time I've approached a girl it was because she somehow captivated me and I wanted to know her better. Granted after one date it might become obvious she's dumb as a sack of hammers or we are simply incompatible physically or mentally, but I always enter into the transaction with good intentions.

This is what we call dating.

My opinion of a playboy is someone who purposely deceives or uses a contrived strategy to manipulate women into having sex (aka the one night stand). In monkey speak this means a guy feeds a target lies about looking for Ms Right and builds her hopes up of a future knowing full well he'll dismiss her before breakfast...or at least make her pay.

Unfortunately Thailand is full of scorned women that are all too eager to judge men...especially farang. Within 5 minutes of an introduction I am often asked the playboy question. It is no more appropriate to ask this of a guy than to ask a girl if she is a slut. And I'm pretty sure we know where that conversation would end.

That being said I strongly suggest the ladies out there refrain from using the playboy defense. Instead try using your head and if the guy starts touching your goodies within the first 10 minutes of knowing you or makes it clear you are part of a queue he has already lined up in the bar then just ignore him. Things to watch for are:

  • Guys that approach without having made any eye contact first
  • Guys that creepishly hang around near the door to the women's washroom
  • Guys that approach from behind and start their little skank dance without an introduction
  • Guys that can be seen moving from group to group like a dog in heat at a pet show
  • Frenchmen
  • Mike Tyson

Alternatively if the guy is polite, introduces himself to you AND your friends, waits for you to initiate any physical contact, and doesn't pressure you to extend the encounter until dawn, just take him for what he is...a decent guy.

I have a very open mind and always try to make my intentions clear. I tell every girl I am just out of 10 years of long term relationships and am happy being single. Of course I'm still interested in making friends and if the right one comes along I'm willing to enter into a more exclusive binding agreement. It's a bit like applying for a job. Let's say I really want to work for company X. Obviously if they're hiring and I apply I stand a better chance than if they're not. However, even if they aren't I can still apply. If my resume is good enough company X may opt to create a position rather than see my talent go to waste.

I know this is a long post and by now you're probably asleep so I'll save the actual principles for a future post. Until then keep sending resumes.

- Mike


Anonymous said...

Too bad you are not into a ONS.

Mike said...

Actually I said I've never "set out" to have a ONS; but of course I've done it and quite happily too. Thanks for your sympathy!


Anonymous said...

I have had much success in just saying hi and introducing myself without prior eye contact (A lot of thai girls are too shy for "eye contact")If you come off as a good guy in the first 10 seconds they can, and often do put down their guard.

Anonymous said...

When are you people going to realise that it is impossible to have any meaningful relationship with a Thai woman. There is probably a tiny percentage of girls in Bangkok who are wordly and are not brainwashed by the culture, but the chances of meeting one of these girls and being accepted is about the same as winning the lottery.

Unfortunately people fail to accept that 99% of girls who are interested in farang have been thrown on the scrap heap by Thai men. In an ideal situation they would all jump at the chance to be with a wealthy Thai guy to save face, being with a farang is just a constant loss of face, but if your on the scrap heap who cares I guess.

Mike buddy, after being in Thailand for such a long time and meeting countless women, when are you going to stop banging your head against a brick wall?

Mike said...

Thanks for your thoughts. I'm happy to listen to criticism and granted I've seen my share of what you are talking about. In the interests of personal safety I'll refrain from making any strongly negative comments about Thai women or men. I have been here for a long time but that doesn't mean I have to be a cynic. I come by that naturally.

Actually if Thai women behaved the same way as western women then there would be no reason to be here. I like the cultural and social challenges and as much as I might gripe, everyone takes their own path and some of those lead to money-hungry hookers parading as innocent school girls and others lead to something worthwhile. Either way the journey makes for a hell of a story and that's exactly the color I want to add to my life.

Anonymous said...

I am making an assumption that you were once married to a woman from the west who scarred you deeply.

It seems a common trend for divorcees to come to Thailand and look at everything through rose tinted glasses.

Although I have never been married I came to Thailand for similar reasons a very long time ago. After being through countless scenarios with Thai women from all stratas of society I came to the conclusion that relationships were a lost cause.

I am not sure why you have all of these 'dating' guidelines on your site. While these articles might be interesting if you are going out on the prowl in the West none of it applies in Thailand. I think in some ways you are trying to create an illusion that Bangkok has some kind of cool, suave and educated crowd - nothing could be further from the truth.

Anyway, I wish you good luck and hope you find what your looking for

Mike said...

It's just for fun.

princes_party said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
princes_party said...

In Thailand. The man that have more connect and have SEX with many girls in the same times. We call " PLAYBOYS " Meanwhile the man that have SEX with any girl for the first time and then he never connect with her ANYMORE. We call that man just want " ONE NIGHT STAND " So that is the behavior of PLAYBOY,if you just wanna have some girl friend and still not ready to have any special one you will not have ANY SEX WITH ANY GIRLS. IN THAILAND doesn't have to look down any person but we will look down with individwal person,especially the person that have some BAD SUCK behavior with us. Something that you knew or something you heard maybe not be like you thought. Sometime you may heard from someone that you knew before but you don't try to open your mind and learn about anyone that you never know them before. If you don't open your mind and doesn't try to talk with them how to know that anything you know is all the right thing!

Most of all the foregners that come to THAILAND almost will go to anyplace for find some girl and just wanna pay to get her,and most of that girls will wand more money than anything. Somegirls may have SEX with ANY MAN EASILY but it's not mean she wanna CHANGE ANY MAN IN EVERY NIGHT! Some of them go to hang out in any party because she want some THAI GUYS that have more RICH or looking for SOME FARANG (Foreigners) cause she just want some money. Then,whenever she want to have long relationships she will try to take him to be with her. But some girls doesn't want something like that at that time,she just think she want some relationship with that,guy just ONLY ONE and want to have long relationship. Because she doesn't want to CHANGE HER GUYS OFTHENLY cause its been the BAD THING IN THAILAND. It's doesn't mean SHE WANT TO BE HIS GIRLFRIEND or have ANY CONDITIONAL RULE WITH THAT GUY because SHE RESPECT WITH THE MAN'S WANTED. And she doesn't want HIS MONEY but " SHE JUST WANT THE HAPPINESS FROM HIM " Some girls that go to hang out every night she just want to RELAXING AND HAVE FUN WITH HER FRIENDS. But sometimes she have some guys come to talk with her ,she will talk with him but doesn't make long relationship because " SHE WILL CHOOSE JUST ONLY THE GUY THAT SHE FEEL GOOD WITH HIM " But it's not happend oftenly. So,you have to know them more than that you knew then you will know. That in society still have good girl and worthly girl !!!



Mike said...

Obviously in this life every one is unique so any blanket statement about behavior will fall apart quickly. Just as not all Thai girls want money, not all farangs want to pay for sex. The stereotypes go both ways and my experience is that those that complain about how farangs stereotype Thais are the very ones that stereotype farangs. Simply put everyone deserves to be evaluated based on their own merits and not on the track record of their peers. Granted this is easier said than done as first impressions carry a lot of weight but those that are mature and responsible enough to recognize this are the ones I want to know.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm This topic became the hottest issue ever in this Mike's ET Bar Guide. interesting ..interesting..

Hey Mikey I am still looking forward to the next post. Ciao!

Anonymous said...

"Things to watch for are:

Watch out guys we are in da place !... what an old-fashioned prejudice ! LOL


All ramblings and reviews are original. Any reference to real people or places is purely coincidental. No animals were harmed in the making of this website except a startled moose in whose defense didn't see me coming on account of my cat-like ninja training.

My opinions are my own and in the spirit of Net Neutrality if you don't like them then what the hell are you doing here?

If you would like a copy of my brain in a jar please send $29.95 to Mike's Brain, P.O. Box 13324, Funny Farm, Idaho US. However if you would prefer a reasonable hand drawn facsimile of Mike's body please contact Mike directly at

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