Sunday, January 4, 2009

Picking up the Pieces after Santika

There's speculation everywhere about what started the inferno, who's to blame, and how Thailand needs to adopt first world standards of safety. I have a few opinions on this which I'm sure will start a war but living here like I do I am aware that I am taking a risk. It's true that I am willing to forgo the service, standards and safety I have in Canada in exchange for the privilege of living in a culture full of amazing experiences.

For those commenting on what started the blaze...leave it to the authorities before you speculate. Granted they may not provide the answer you personally expect but it won't change what happened. Let's not forget there are still thousands of bars and restaurants in the world that allow open flames and burning ash indoors in the form of little cancer sticks.

For those commenting on who's to blame...yes it appears that Santika didn't have the correct permit and no one seems to be able to contact the owner. Patrons entered at their own risk and while this is a tragedy surely some amount of responsibility needs to lie on the people that make the decision to spend an evening in a bar like this in the first place. This isn't the western world where big brother babysits your every move and is held accountable when things go south. Most Thais want to know who is responsibile purely so they can recover financially from the incident. For many, medical bills of even a thousand USD could be devastating.

For those commenting on safety...Thailand is not a first world country and as such it cannot be held up to the bar we expect in the western world. Corruption is being dealt with slowly and with it proper licensing will be imposed and enforced. For now Thailand, rightly or wrongly, may have other priorities for its time and resources.

I'm certainly not trying to downplay what happened and of course I hope it will lead to some changes. Regardless of what started it, who's responsible, and how safe the bar was I can't help but think when I'm visiting my friend in the hospital with burns on his face and having his lungs flushed every day that we can't funnel some of this energy into something more creative.

In 3 days his medical bills are already over $4000 USD and he's expected to be there for another few days. In the same ICU are two other foreigners in worse shape. Santika didn't have insurance and as of yet no one is stepping in to assist financially. I urge you to contact your embassy in Thailand and ask how you might be able to help. Stuffing $20 in an envelop is much more helpful than adding another comment about a country you have only seen sensationalized on CNN and FOX.

Thailand is a beautiful country with even more beautiful people. Please think twice before passing judgments which may be unproductive and disrespectful to families and friends of the victims.


Anonymous said...

You said, “Most Thais want to know who is responsible PURELY so they can recover financially from the incident. ..” This is somewhat insulting to Thais, let alone westerners. Of course hospital bills will have a devastating effect on many people. This goes without saying. And there is a strong argument for accountability and compensation even if it is Thailand, but, I can guarantee this is not PURELY the reason that most Thais would want to find out who is responsible, especially if they have lost a loved one. I am sure people are not so callous.
You said, “Some amount of responsibility need s to lie on the people who enter a club like this in the first place.” Whether people entered the club knowing that the fire-exits were locked does not make them responsible for the death and injury that many have suffered. The only people responsible are the owners and managers. Safety is a basic common sense requirement. And basic requirements such as having an adequate number of unlocked fire escapes would have nothing to do with the encroachment on excitement and freedom as alluded by you. Are you hinting that in Thailand we have to accept a trade-off between excitement and sleaze and the forgoing of safety and regulation? Of course you are. We all know this to be true including myself, but it doesn’t make it right. An unlocked fire exit has nothing to do with “big brother babysits our every move... as in western societies” as alluded to in the main passage.
You said, “Thailand is not a first world country and as such it cannot be held up to the bar we expect in the western world.” But this is not the first time it has happened. There have been numerous disasters like this in the past that have involved the death and injury of westerners (and Thais) as a result of corrupt negligence. NOT highlighting the problem will NOT bring about positive change; all you are doing is ensuring that the status quo persists – and as keeps happening – the irresponsible people get away with it. The last thing you should be doing is making excuses for them. Let us not forget, if Thailand (especially Bangkok Thais) want to see themselves as part of a modern global international arena operating on a global stage, as they do and always promote, then we certainly can expect to hold them up to the same international bar, especially on basic matters such as safety. They can’t have it both ways. Either they want to see themselves part of a modern international arena or they don’t. If they do, meet the bar.
I agree that offering a donation may be helpful and supportive. But I totally disagree when you say that, “otherwise you are only adding comment to a country you have only seen sensationalized on CNN or Fox”. Rubbish! If you don’t add comment and point out these inconsistencies and devastating acts of negligence there will be no positive change and the same thing will happen again and again, and there will be more tragedy in the future.
Finally, you say we need to consider carefully before we pass judgements which may be unproductive and disrespectful to families and friends of victims. I agree, but can I suggest that you reads over what you have written and how it comes across; and practice what you preach when you advise this.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

My comments about financial compensation were with regards to victims recovering in the hospital. Obviously the families of those who lost their lives will never be fully compensated and interpreting my comments as implying money could replace a loved one is silly.

I was at Santika during the event and carried 3 people out. In addition I have covered medical bills for 3 friends. I am aware of at least 6 exits at Santika, none of which are ever locked, and saying such is simply ignorant. To tell me to practise what I preach demonstrates a gross misunderstanding of events on your part.

I suggest in the future you direct your energy into something more productive than picking apart a personal commentary based on first hand experience and accounts from dozens of friends.

Anonymous said...

Mike, I guess you should say what you mean when you write a story. In the third paragraph of your article you said, "Most Thais want to know who is responsibile purely so they can recover financially from the incident." That's what you wrote. Why write this if you didn't mean it? It's all very well to now say your comments were to do with victims recovering in hospital. Fair enough, but you didn't write that.

Perhaps more importantly, you have just written in the comments above, "I am aware of at least 6 exits at Santika, none of which are ever locked..." According to most of the informattion that has come to light including police reports, yes there were unlocked exits behind the stage that were available to staff, BUT, the public did not have access to these, and certainly most people were not aware of them on the night. If what you are saying is true, that you are aware of six exits none of which are never locked, that's a pretty profound statement and could be crucical evidence in any of the forthcoming legal hearings - as a witness. Were these six unlocked exits known to the public do you think? Undoubtedly you acted bravely on the night, and have helped people since, all of which has to be congratulated, but the most constructive thing you could do now is go to make a statement about this new evidence that has come to light about the unlocked fire exits. Otherwise the owners and managers could be wrongly blamed.


All ramblings and reviews are original. Any reference to real people or places is purely coincidental. No animals were harmed in the making of this website except a startled moose in whose defense didn't see me coming on account of my cat-like ninja training.

My opinions are my own and in the spirit of Net Neutrality if you don't like them then what the hell are you doing here?

If you would like a copy of my brain in a jar please send $29.95 to Mike's Brain, P.O. Box 13324, Funny Farm, Idaho US. However if you would prefer a reasonable hand drawn facsimile of Mike's body please contact Mike directly at

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